Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Absense Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

I have been out of the kitchens at school for the summer while studying online instead.  Today in class, I stepped into the kitchen, where I have learned some pretty important things not only about cooking but about life as well.  I felt juvenile and giddy with a smile from ear to ear and my heart pounding.  

The case of raw chickens to be cut up, the bucket of broth, the shininess of the tables and  the stove/oven yelling at me to use them immediately.  It seemed that the kitchen was living and breathing on its own.  I am sure you are thinking this girl is nuts, I assure you I am not.  

The Kitchen is only alive; a living and breathing being when I am alive.  Not physically living but alive in my heart, desire & passion for the opportunity to create food that is beautiful and fulfilling just for my audience.

"Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it."
--Hardy D. Jackson



Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chili Pie?

Chili and Cheese Potato Chips
Chili Beans Hot
Sour Cream
Glass of Milk

Saturday, January 28, 2012

GooGoo (Chicken Parmesan with a Twist)

Ok, So now I may be ready to post something new.  Well really it is mainly about having enough quiet moments to post.  Today I made Chicken Parmesan for my family with a twist.  Remember you can not please everyone and today was one of the days that not all of my children were pleased. What else is new? Well what I made today was not new but made in a new way.

Here  is what I did:
Frozen Chicken Tenders
Spaghetti Noodles
Spaghetti Sauce
Black Olives
Velveeta Cheese

Cooked separately but at the same time:
Noodles on the stove
Chicken tenders in the oven
Spaghetti sauce in the crock pot

After the noodles and tenders were done I added them to the crock pot along with black olives and 8 oz of sliced Velveeta with the lid put back on.  Waited for the cheese to melt and served with a side of applesauce.

Now some of my children did not like the black olives but very easy to remove and it seems that applesauce for us is always a hit.

Now if you are wanting to make this healthy I suggest the following:
Whole wheat noodles 
Low/No Sodium Spaghetti Sauce
Velveeta well has 1/3 less fat 
Rather than use frozen breaded chicken use fresh chicken or lean hamburger/turkey meat

The cool thing is it took about 20 min to prep and get into crock pot- then I had some time to do other things around the house today - and when u r done serving just put the crock pot thingy in the fridge!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Day -

What is it that makes us chose what we chose.  What is my motivation to do the right thing?  What is yours?

According to Merriam-Webster motivation is a condition of being motivated. Another definition is: a motivating force, stimulus, or influence.

Synonyms for Motivation are:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Full or Empty?

What do you do when you think you can not take any more?

But out there somewhere, someone hears you.  And they say to themselves,"Lets give that person a few more things in life to think about".  There it is, in a instant, more on my plate than I know what to do with.  

I like to eat.  I like a full plate.  I like to see things as a challenge, a opportunity to make something positive.  I know this takes a lot of energy but imagine how much energy it will take if you approach your overflowing plate in a negative way.  

Let's say instead of handling one bite at a time you decide to throw some of your food on the floor or at your friend.  How about this, you ad some spice and seasoning thinking it will taste better or look better and you discover the it doesn't taste good at at ll.

Point being, it takes a lot less energy to handle the overflowing plate one bite at a time than it does to have to clean up a big mess from throwing your food around as a result of frustration and anger.

Be happy with your overflowing plate, there are some that do not have anything on theirs.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life Without Dreams

Life without dreams for me is a life that is non existent.  How exciting is it to think of new goals and expectations not only for yourself but for your children as well.  It has helped me,  to have supportive people that have the same outlook as myself to spur me on. 

Do you have people to spur you on to follow your dreams, individuals  that empower you to do the right thing for you and them. If you do that is a very special friend and if you do not, let me know and I will do what I can to be that empowering friend for you.  

There are two ways of spreading light...
To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.

Edith Wharton

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A New Phase

Over the last couple of months a lot of things have changed and are changing for the better. I look forward to refreshing my soul with friends, family and the breath of life.  Over the next couple of weeks I will be adding to my pages things that have helped and inspired me to dream once again.